Innovative Safety, Security and Environmental Solutions
Indian Society of Systems for Science and Engineering (ISSE) is a professional body for interdisciplinary collaboration to promote systems engineering approach in science and engineering. ISSE is unique among the systems oriented institutions having the objective of bringing together scholars and practitioners from academic, business and R&D organisations for promoting the systems concept. The society was started in 2010 at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), with its Headquarters at Thiruvananthapuram. The society is presently having 14 chapters in India with member strength more than 6000.
ISSE acknowledges and recognizes the professionals in different disciplines with the majorobjectives of:
ISSE conducts National Conference INAC every year in which professionals from all over the country exchange ideas for the promotion of system engineering concept. Apart from these, allchapters conduct conferences, workshops and webinars on different themes. Society also plays an active role in propagating the concepts of system engineering among students by conduction different programmes at schools and colleges.
ISSE offers membership as honorary fellow, fellow, life member and associate member. Any person with graduation in Engineering or Post Graduation in Science having minimum one year professional experience and meeting the age criteria of twenty five years is eligible to become alife member of ISSE.
A life member has access to tools and resources that will help to advance professionally and connect from peers to pioneers.
An ISSE member:
About ISSE
Promoting study of systems science and engineering
Disseminating knowledge pertaining to systems theory and applications
Encouraging meritorious work in systems domain
Reporting results of original research
Providing a forum for scholars and practitioners to come together to share ideas experiences
Recognition of individuals who contribute to systems science and engineering through ISSE merit awards
Gets updated on latest technological innovations
Has the privilege to attend conferences and workshopsorganised by ISSE adiscounted rates
Can access society publications
Gets recognition in industry and profession
Can associate with other professional bodies
Gets an awareness about the best practices followed in the respective field
The life membership fee is Rs 4000/- at present for Life members and Rs 2000/- for Associate members.